Olivia Munn Demonstrates Her Slightly Over-The-Top Orgasm-Faking Technique For John Stamos

So John Stamos naturally has a new web talk show on Yahoo!  called Losing It in which he gets celebrities to discuss losing their virginity in detail. One of his first guests was Olivia Munn and she of course got a little animated and comes off a little batsh*t and the look on Stamos’ face at one point just screams, “Oh man this girl has MAJOR issues!”

And because this is Yahoo! the video is not embeddable and because of that I really shouldn’t even bother doing a post on the show but I really wanted to post a screengrab of Olivia Munn showing John Stamos her orgasm-faking face, so there. So if you want to watch the actual interview you’ll have to go here.

Meanwhile, we look forward to the GIFs and to the episode with Jennifer Lawrence where she tries to seduce Stamos, her childhood crush she still stalks, in front of the cameras. We’ll have our popcorn ready for that one.

(Via Pajiba)