Chris Brown May Have A Twitter Direct Message Scandal On His Hands

How many times have over the past few years have we seen someone — usually a conservative politician or a prominent preacher — who bashes gays relentlessly in public eventually exposed as being in the closet themselves? Too many. It seems like it still happens every few weeks, in fact. It’s just about become a fact of life that the most homophobic among us are almost certainly smoking poles in secret.

Taking this into consideration, it makes perfect sense to think that Chris Brown may be in the closet, considering his repeated anti-gay pubic remarks (It would also help to shed light on why he’s such a staggering douchebag), which is exactly what’s alleged in a series of Twitter direct messages leaked by a young musician named Martyn who claims to have had a fling with Brown. Even better, if the direct messages sent to the Superficial are legit, they allege that Chris Brown’s a bottom. Makes perfect sense! With that said, the screenshots are unverified at this point, so just keep that in mind, I suppose.

Here’s a sampling of what the messages say…

chrisbrown: I talk to u the way i want to ma nigga, i sell out shows u still a nobody except for writing songs for major celebs thats all.

chrisbrown: Just cuz we messed around a few times dont mean u shouldnt respect a nigga. Am the shit hence F.A.M.E fag

chrisbrown: Yeah i enjoyed when u fcked the shit outta me nigga but thats only in the moment, only a stupid nigga would reject an opportunity like that

chrisbrown: FckU, FOX NEWS, Good Morning America, AND every1 else who thinks i need fcking anger management. u did not complain when u were hittin this

chrisbrown: And nigga I heard bout u hooking with Trey too. U can stay fckin dat homie i stay selling out shows ahaha

MartynWorld: I ain’t gay bro am bi..and proud like fergie, nicki and Jessie j. U the one hiding. What I do n with whom is my business.

MartynWorld: Dude imma get 500,000 followers to shut u up. Just watch. Make sure no1 wants to interview me bout u cuz I’ll speak. Remember am bi n proud

Of course, this isn’t the first time rumors about Brown being gay have swirled. Further, some in the music industry have alleged that what provoked Chris Brown to beat the sh*t out of Rihanna was that she went through his phone and discovered that he was banging dudes while dating her. And the messages also reference someone named “Trey.” Coincidentally, Trey Songz has long been dogged by gay rumors as well. Just sayin’.

Meanwhile, Martyn is chatting up a storm on Twitter about the affair…

I find all of this both hilarious and sad. Just follow Ricky Martin’s lead and come out of the closet, Chris. Here are the screenshots Martyn leaked, which again are unverified.