Is This Photobomb By Zach Braff The Best Celebrity Photobomb Of All-Time?

Imagine the joyful surprise Sascha Reinking must have felt when going through shots the photographer took of a newlywed couple and discovering that Zach Braff had managed to gloriously photobomb one of the pics. Reinking tweeted out the pic last night and Braff later confirmed that it was indeed him in the photograph.

Now, the question is, with apologies to Kevin Spacey, Amy Poehler and other renowned celebrity photobombers: is this the best celebrity photobomb ever? I contend that it may be. I mean, just look at ole Braff there — it almost looks like he was Photoshopped in there.

Regardless, well played by everyone around. It’s a beautiful shot by Reinking, a lovely pose by the couple, and a perfectly played photobombing job by Braff. Kudos to all involved.

(Via Zach Braff’s Twitter Feed)