This Non-Profit Is Helping Young Women Break Into The Tech Industry

“Certainly when you see someone on TV or you have someone in your life that you identify with, you say ‘Oh, if she can do that, I can do that too.'”

These words, spoken by Emily Reid, Director of Education for Girls Who Code, sum up the non-profit’s aims perfectly.

“If girls aren’t exposed to computer science in middle school — or at least by high school,” she continues, “they’re very unlikely to take computer science in college.”

To combat this trend, Girls Who Code have set up programs to help teach girls that computer science is a path that’s both accessible and attainable for them. This is crucial work — with women currently filling only 3% of the jobs in a rapidly developing field.

In order to create change in the tech industry, Girls Who Code run programs and coding clubs at schools, and put on free seven-week summer immersion programs. They pride themselves on creating lasting bonds between young female coders while also making connections for them in the tech industry.

“I’ve been on teams and been the only girl, Reid says, “and I know that diverse teams create better products. I know that we can create better technology with more diverse teams.”