Cheaters Reveal The Warning Signs You Need To Look Out For


Here is an unfortunate truth: A great many people will be cheated on. Some of those people, often despite not being monsters, will be cheated on more than once. And every time their hearts will break just as badly as they did the first time. But what are the choices? Either go out and date and possibly be cheated on even if you never thought it could happen to you, or gird your heart in metal and then put it in a box high up on a mountain where no one can ever reach it. Neither are ideal, but the latter’s so expensive — not to mention likely fatal — that it’s probably best if we just put in some more effort into figuring out exactly what to look for when we’re concerned that our significant others may be stepping out (with someone who’s not their baby).

Fortunately, the internet is a wild and wonderful thing, so if you’ve been scouring its entirely looking for something that will give you an inkling about whether you can rest easy or need to start panicking, we’ve got some answers for you. Indy 100 reports that Victoria Milan (you guessed it, a pro-cheating hook-up site with a more exciting name than Ashley Madison) recently conducted a poll of the people signed up for their services and the cheaters themselves happily provided information about what to be on the lookout for.

Here are some of the most obvious signs: Being secretive (start worrying if they freak out about you even picking up their cell phone), being distant, and not making any eye contact (which makes lying a teensy bit easier). If your partner is suddenly dressing better, getting more fit, and trying to look their best, that may be a sign as well (although sometimes people just want to get in shape!).

But that’s not all; there are even more ways to tell:

Not behaving naturally: not being concerned about family matters, being focused on other things.

Showering at strange hours or putting clothes directly in the laundry.

Forgetting their alibi and mixing their stories up.

Being extra loving and kind because they feel guilty.

Having lipstick marks or perfume on their clothes.

Going to bed right away and making excuses to not have sex.

Keeping bills or invoices of dates.

Of course, just one of these things doesn’t automatically mean that your lover is looking for one of fifty ways to leave you. It does, however, mean that if the person you love is suddenly losing all sorts of weight (and not even discussing it with you), buying a new wardrobe, and then disappearing at all hours, it may be time to hire a private investigator or at least sit them down for a very important talk that might end in tears and heartache…

But hey, at least you’ll know.