A ‘Christmas Vacation’ Fan Recreates Cousin Eddie’s Finest Scene For A Good Cause

Before it was associated with direct-to-DVD dreck like Endless Bummer, Jake’s Booty Call, and The Legend of Awesomest Maximus, all of which I assume star Eugene Levy, National Lampoon was known for comedy classics like Animal House, Vacation, and Christmas Vacation. Randy Quaid plays the scene-stealing Cousin Eddie in those last two films, and he, too, has fallen on hard times. But in the spirit of the holidays, let’s take a moment to appreciate his finest hour.

The “Merry Christmas, sh*tter was full” scene is a thing of disgusting beauty, and nearly 30 years after Christmas Vacation‘s release (the movie was written by John Hughes; his next film was the similarly Christmas-themed Home Alone), fans are still quoting it. Or in the case of Eric Anstey, recreating it.

Anstey recently spent 15 minutes in his bathrobe in Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, yelling “sh*tter was full” to confused drivers, while holding a hose in one hand and drink in the other. It’s part of his “12 Dares for Christmas” to raise money for a scholarship in honor of his cousin Rylee Sears, who passed away from meningococcal meningitis when he was only 16. “I’m happy to entertain, but the most important thing for me was the donations and getting as much money as I could for the kids about to start their college careers,” he told BuzzFeed. A good cause involving poop and Christmas Vacation references? Sign me up! Head to Anstey’s Facebook to find out more.

(Via BuzzFeed)