Only Michael Bennett Would Wear An Ugly Christmas Sweater Of His Own Sack Dance

Whether the NFL likes it or not — and they seem to like it when it comes from punters — dancing celebrations are as much a part of the sport as helmets, touchdowns, fumbles, kickers missing crucial field goals, or concussions. Everybody loves to dance and celebrating a ridiculous feat of athleticism on national television is as good a time as any to bust out your best moves.

Seattle Seahawks pass rusher Michael Bennett has taken his inspiration from Key and Peele and now, he’s branding his/their “Three Pumps” sack dance in a hilarious and festive way.

Yes, Bennett decided to immortalize himself and his three pumps on an ugly Christmas sweater because why the hell not, right? There is one reason besides a sense of humor that actually makes a ton of sense: money.

Bennett is actually selling the sweaters — that of course ship just in time for the holidays — on his hilariously named website Yes, for the low price of $55 you can rock a sweater with Bennett pumping his privates at nobody in particular at your office’s ugly sweater party.

And if the red doesn’t work for you, you can grab one in Seahawks navy blue. Of course.

And don’t worry Seahawks fans, Bennett’s pelvic thrusts aren’t dividing the team or anything.

Notorious players coach Pete Carroll was asked about the dance, and it turns out he’s hip the the Key and Peele inspiration. “”Here’s what I’m going to tell you,” Carroll told ESPN Radio. “I want you to go to ‘Key & Peele.’ Look it up. And they tell it all. They told it all. They know the whole thing. They know exactly what the deal is. They’ll tell you the whole story. I’m not going there.”

See, Pete Carrol gets us.