Karen Gillan Swears There’s A Reason Behind Her Already Controversial ‘Skimpy Outfit’ In ‘Jumanji’

When the first photo from the Jumanji whatever-you-want-to-call-it went live last year, the chatter wasn’t about Kevin Hart’s Boy Scout outfit or Jack Black’s bowtie — it was focused on Karen Gillan’s “child-sized clothes.” Time and time again, actresses are forced to wear midriff-revealing shirts that highlight their perfect abs, while their male co-stars look, well, like Jack Black. It’s especially true for superhero movies where, as noted by Suicide Squad star Cara Delevingne, “female superheroes are normally naked or in bikinis. No one would be able to fight like that.” But even though Jumanji isn’t a superhero movie, Gillan still felt the need to defend her “skimpy outfit.”

“I’ve experienced something similar when I worked on Doctor Who and there was such an uproar about my costume when that was first revealed, so I thought it was happening all over again,” she told the Hollywood Reporter about the uproar over her belly button-exposing ensemble. “I’d never take on a role that was truly gratuitous for no reason. There’s a really valid reason why she’s wearing that. My character is really not happy about it!”

That goes along with what Gillan said last year, when she tweeted, “Yes I’m wearing child-sized clothes and YES there is a reason! The pay off is worth it, I promise!” (The Rock later added, “Our dope ’90s vintage costumes will all make sense when our plot’s revealed.”) If the reason behind Gillan’s attire involves protecting her skin from big-ass mosquitos, I have some bad news…

(Via the Hollywood Reporter)