Arnold Schwarzenegger Really Wants To Smash Donald Trump’s Face Into A Table

It’s not overstating things to say that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Donald Trump are in a proper feud at this point in the week. Not just a feud either, the type of feud where one person won prom queen even though the other person didn’t even want it and now they’re both focusing on how many votes the winning margin was and all of the small details wrong with each other’s corsage and dress combinations. The last couple of days alone have seen Arnold tweeting about Donald not releasing his taxes…

…the two trading insults during and after the National Prayer Breakfast, and more tweets about the ratings for Arnold’s rebooted version of The Apprentice.

It’s absolute absurdity at this point, but things are somehow continuing to escalate and the latest quotes from Schwarzenegger might be what finally puts Trump over the edge if he isn’t there already.

In an interview with Men’s Journal, Arnold reveals that he once considered flying all the way from California to New York to “smash Trump’s face into a table” after the President tweeted disparagingly about the former California Governor’s opening night Apprentice ratings. Apparently, the once and future actor was almost ready to go through with the plan before reconsidering.

“I said, ‘Let’s sit on it for an hour. I called my assistant and said, ‘I think what we really should do is request a meeting and go back to New York.’ ” He pauses for maximum impact. “And then we just smash his face into the table.”

Of course, logic and decency won out on Arnold’s side of things and he just tweeted a reply to the dig instead. It might be a good thing that the stronger, braver, and more intimidating person in this feud is the one with more self control otherwise there would be a lot of face-smashing-middle-of-the-night-spontaneous-flights from LAX to JFK.

(via >Men’s Journal)