‘Toni Erdmann’ Is Coaxing Jack Nicholson Back Into Feature Films For The First Time Since 2010

Cinema god and frequently cited “guy that could still get it” Jack Nicholson will be gracing the silver screen once again. No, the globe hasn’t demanded Anger Management 2: Rage Babies from the Oscar decorated actor. Think something more arthouse-friendly.

Variety reports that the critically gushed over Maren Ade film Toni Erdmann has been snapped for an American remake by Paramount and Nicholson is attached to play the title character. The German-language comedy centers around a prank loving father attempting to reconnect with his business-minded daughter. Reviews lavished the original with praise for its originality and willingness to be uncomfortable, so this won’t exactly be like Nicholson popping back for a Memorial Day blockbuster.

Maren Ade will participate in the project as an executive producer, but she’s leaving the writing and directing of the American adaptation to still to be determined talent. Adam McKay, Will Ferrell and Jessica Elbuam of Gloria Sanchez Productions are also lending their production power to the upcoming project. The daughter in the adaptation also hasn’t been determined at this point, so feel free to have a think if Jennifer Lawrence would be a good match. wow, that was fast! Kristin Wiig has been announced as the actress taking on the role.

If it’s felt like a while since the last Jack Nicholson movie appearance, that’s because there’s been a noticeable gap. 2010’s James L. Brooks romcom/romdram How Do You Know? was our last Nicholson sighting at the movies. The Bucket List and The Departed preceded that just to give you an idea of how long it’s been and how old and moldy we all are. We look forward to Jack’s return whenever that happens to be.

(Via Variety)