This Porn Site Is Fighting Utah’s Rejection Of Comprehensive Sex Ed In A Novel Way

Terrible news for the citizens of Utah: After the state struck down legislation that would allow parents to enroll their children in comprehensive sexual education programs, xHamster, the site which once gave a Ted Cruz lookalike $10,000 for a self-made sex video, is fighting back.

Now anyone visiting the site from Utah will get a warning message instead of the sexy videos they crave.

Vocativ reports that Utahns are the number one consumers of subscription-based porn (according to a 2009 study) and xHamster is capitalizing on that knowledge in order to drive home the point that it’s hypocritical for a state so invested in the pornography biz to completely disavow valuable education that could prevent pregnancy and STIs as well as help young people become more empowered when it comes to taking charge of their sexual decisions.

“Can we turn the thirstiest state in the nation into the smartest?” The pop up greeting viewers asks pleasantly. Viewers then have the option of declaring “I don’t care!” or choosing to check out xHamster’s new sex ed site, The Box, which features PG-13 rated material that answers viewer questions. While videos on xHamster proper won’t teach you how to have anal sex right or how to give your partner a mindblowing orgasm, the videos on The Box absolutely will.

One of the most interesting things about xHamster’s decision is how ironic it is, especially due to the fact that even the sponsor of the bill that would allow young adults to get evidence-based information about STIs and contraceptives was worried that if it wasn’t passed sites like xHamster and PornHub would be the ones calling themselves “sex educators.”

From Vocativ:

This move by xHamster is particularly amusing in light of a recent comment by the rejected bill’s sponsor, Rep. Brian King: “I refuse to be passive in the light of aggressive efforts by pornography sites across the world in attempting to reach our children and and educate them about sex ed,” he said. According to the Salt Lake City news site Good4Utah, this was said in response to news reports of “porn websites wanting to be so called teachers of sex Ed” — presumably, they are referring to Pornhub recently launching its sex ed sub-site.

Oh, well, guess someone has to lead the charge. And if xHamster and PornHub have to take on the roles that teachers aren’t allowed to because sex education that isn’t abstinence-only is “bad,” then perhaps this is the world we’re living in.