How To Slash Your Electric Bill While Supporting Clean Energy
For many of us, supporting clean energy feels out of reach — especially if we live in an apartment or rent rooms. But there are easy ways to invest in renewable energy on a budget that will help you save money as you support a sustainable future.

Here are a simple switches you can put into practice today.


Pay your own energy bill? Consider switching the source to wind or solar. Companies such as Arcadia Power — recently named a finalist by Fast Company for World Changing Ideas — make it super easy to invest in renewable energy. It takes ten minutes to sign up, and because of the “Share and Save” option, you can slash your energy bill every time you inspire another friend to switch. You can also research whether your current energy company offers a renewable energy option.


Charging our phones and laptops uses a lot of energy—and we pay for it every time our bill arrives. Cut down on energy usage by investing in solar powered chargers—Goal Zero is one of the most reliable chargers on the market—for when your tech gadgets need juice.



Even when a gadget isn’t in use, it still sucks up energy if it’s plugged in. Before you leave home, make sure to unplug your kitchen appliances and lights. You’ll be surprised at how much energy—and money—you’ll save.


Ready for next steps? If you live in an apartment or condo complex, consider talking to your Homeowners Association about installing solar panels on the roof or setting up a solar array. Although incentives vary by state, renting residential solar installations can save you a lot of money — both as a landlord and as a leaser!

The idea that renewable energy is unreliable is a myth. Clean energy isn’t the future, it’s our present.

The Ecology Center is a non-profit eco-education center that shares creative solutions for thriving on Planet Earth. Our holistic approach to change-making is rooted in our core belief that we are a part of nature — intimately interconnected to one another and our shared environment.

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