Will Ferrell Showed Up To ‘Conan’ With Evidence Of A Kid’s Birthday Party On His Face

Will Ferrell has been hard at work promoting his latest movie The House, in which he stars alongside Amy Poehler in a story about two parents who set up a casino in their house in order to earn some extra cash. Whether the movie is good or not is still up in the air as it doesn’t come out until June 30th, but but Will Ferrell is usually reliably hilarious and his recent press tour isn’t letting anyone forget it.

His most recent stop is on Conan and for the interview Ferrell showed up with a face fully painted in a tiger pattern and explained that he had just come from a children’s birthday party. Conan, as he is wont to do, questioned the face paint and said he was confused about what was going on. Which makes sense seeing as Ferrell usually enjoys making fun of whatever situation he is in and whatever show he’s on, even if it’s a fellow comedian like Conan.

As Ferrell explains it he was at a kid named Justin’s party, yet he doesn’t know Justin and he’s not friends with any of his actual kids, but being on time to Conan’s show is absolutely imperative in show business. Conan ended the clip by declaring that he would pretend everything on Ferrell’s face wasn’t happening, so the bit was short lived. But it was a funny bit all the same.