Vic Mensa Calls The Chicago Blackhawks’ Logo ‘Racist’ And Says It Should Be Replaced ‘Immediately’

Vic Mensa, rapper, Chicago resident, and outspoken social critic on Twitter, is not happy about the NHL’s Chicago Blackhawks’ logo. He took to Twitter to cite the logo, which depicts a Native American profile, as racist and offensive. “The @NHLBlackhawks need to replace this logo IMMEDIATELY,” he wrote, adding, “It’s racist.”

He further urged followers to “imagine having your people massacred and turned into a mascot…” and responded to a reply calling it “one of the most iconic sports logos” by saying, “That’s why it hurts. But it gotta go.”

Some followers responded to voice their disagreement, maintaining that the team had received permission from a Natives’ council, while others expressed empathy for Native Americans. For those of us who fell asleep in fifth grade history, many Native American tribes were cheated or forced away from their ancestral homelands to “reservations,” denied the rights to learn or teach their own cultures and languages, and in many cases, outright massacred during the westward expansion of the United States.

Intriguingly, In 2008, The Hockey News‘ staff voted the team’s main logo to be the best in the NHL, and the Blackhawks organization has worked with the American Indian Center to help educate the team’s community and fan base about Native American culture and history. However, with other sports organizations such as the NFL’s Washington Redskins coming under fire for offensive imagery, Vic might have a point. As long as some folks feel their history, culture, and struggles are being dishonored, their voices should be respected — even when it comes to entertainment. See more tweets from the dialogue below.