Stevie Wonder Takes A Knee During His Global Citizen Performance

Colin Kaepernick started the movement within the NFL of kneeling during the National Anthem to protest police brutality and the mistreatment of African Americans, sparking controversy and inspiring many to take a similar position. This has drawn the ire of President Trump, who often expresses his anger on Twitter, because that is an excellent use of his time. Taking a knee has spread even beyond the world of sports, with musical artists like Eminem and Kendrick Lamar adding their voices to the throng in solidarity.

However, the latest musician to lend his voice to the movement is nothing short of a legend. Stevie Wonder opened his set at the Global Citizen Festival on Saturday by kneeling beside his son Kwame Morris, leading the crowd in a moment of reflection, saying “tonight, I’m taking a knee for America. But not just one knee, I’m taking both knees. Both knees in prayer for our planet, our future, our leaders of the world and our globe.”

Wonder continued, explaining that the message of Global Citizen is to stand up to all forms of oppression.

“Our global brothers and sisters, I didn’t come here to preach, but I’m telling you: Our spirits must be in the right place… Whenever you need to interrupt hate, stand down bigotry, condemn sexism and find love for all of our global brothers and sisters every day.”

It is truly an incredible moment seeing Wonder speak truth to power, and hopefully will inspire others to do the same.

(Via Rolling Stone)