Rapsody Shows What Multiple Kinds Of ‘Power’ Look Like With Her Latest Video

The long-awaited video for Rapsody’s Kendrick Lamar and Lance Skiiiwalker-assisted single, “Power,” is finally here. Directed by Cam B and featuring imagery that “could make a grown man cry,” Rapsody details the inherent power in love, life, birth, God, family, faith, education, and resistance. A baby is born, a choir sings, a pastor preaches, and a man brandishes twin handguns, reflecting each kind of power Rapsody addresses through her intricate bars.

She also gives a leg up to Jamla labelmate GQ, who takes over for the second half of the clip to spit his verse from Laila’s Wisdom standout “Ridin’.” The video ends with a quote from Jamla boss and “Power” co-producer (alongside Eric G.) 9th Wonder, who writes, “Power begins from within. Power is in all of us. Power lies within you. Power is here in North Carolina. Welcome to Jamroc,” referencing his team’s personal nickname for their home state.

Unfortunately, Kendrick Lamar and Skiiiwalker don’t make appearances in the video, but it’s still a strong visual, and the addition of GQ places him squarely in the spotlight as next up to bat for Jamla, along with 16-year-old newcomer Reuben Vincent. Vincent made his debut appearance with a music video for “BB Guns” and dropped his Myers Park full-length today on iTunes.

However, even without the K. Dot appearance, “Power” is a virtuoso display of Rapsody’s lyrical prowess and more than enough proof that her profile will continue to rise as she goes from underrated indie rapper to bonafide Roc Nation star.