Conan Kicks Off His Week At The Apollo By Showcasing His Terrible Fashion Taste With Dapper Dan

Conan is back in New York for another round of shows, once again from the Apollo theater in Harlem. That means Coco needs to work on his style and show off for the audience, also to help support the New York Comedy Festival in its team-up with the show and TBS this year. To ensure he’s got the best look possible, Conan heads over to Harlem icon Dapper Dan to compare his idea of style with the fashion legend.

The result is fantastic once Dan gives the host his magic touch, but it is all Coco’s unfortunate decisions before that finally happens. While the first look is almost decent at the jacket, John Waters level, the rest is disastrous. It doesn’t get much better with his plaid explosion the second time out, followed by his final attempt that is a mix of Drake, the demon from Stranger Things, and a greyhound. Thankfully, the people of Harlem and Dapper Dan get Conan on track and he walks out with a look that is ready to stun.

Elsewhere on the show, Conan has Colbert talking about their times working together, Colbert’s time working on The Dana Carvey Show, the joys of network money, and Conan being a terrible person off camera. It’s a wonderful segment we’ll have later. Until then, enjoy some behind-the-scenes stories from Colbert:

(Via Team Coco)