Kanye West Encouraged Fans To Make These Funny Fake Album Covers For ‘Ye’

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Last Friday, Kanye West released his eighth studio album, Ye, after a listening party at a Wyoming ranch that has since banned rappers. You can stream the album here or read our reviews here and here. The 23 minute-long album seemed to be a last-minute affair, with Kanye still working on it during the day of release and the album cover itself being snapped on Kanye’s iPhone on the way to the listening party:

Def Jam

Since the album’s release, that cover has spawned a meme, which only grew in popularity after Kanye tweeted a link to “Yenerator”, a widget for generating joke titles for the album. Between Yenerator and photoshop users on Twitter and Reddit, a bounty of new album covers have come online.

Some people theorized the album art was so slapdash because they already blew their budget on Daytona:

Via Reddit

But some people wondered what would happen if they had gone with a Life of Pablo style cover:

Via Reddit

And others made slight adjustments:

Via Reddit


Via Reddit


Some of the replacement covers repurposed old Kanye quotes:

Via Reddit


While some covers were unusually on point with a BoJack Horseman quote:

Via Reddit

Well, that escalated quickly. Let’s go back to the fun ones:



Via Reddit


Some of the suggested replacement covers referenced other memes, like Jimmy Barnes the singing Australian/Scottish cowboy from the music video for “Big Enough” or updated privacy policies.

Via Reddit
Via Reddit

And finally, some people noticed this album cover was prophesied by South Park:

Via Comedy Central / Reddit
Via Reddit

(Via r/Kanye and #Yenerator)