Elon Musk Is Being Sued By The Cave Diver He Called A ‘Pedo’, And People Can’t Stop Joking About It

Via Twitter

Elon Musk has been having an interesting summer. We’re going to attempt to summarize just part of what Elon Musk has been up to lately, with a smattering of Twitter jokes along the way. We apologize if this all seems a bit convoluted, but this whole kerfuffle is convoluted. And hilarious.

The flamethrower-selling Tesla and SpaceX founder and former (?) boyfriend of Grimes tried to assist with the Thai cave rescue back in early July, but ultimately a team of cave divers rescued the kids without Elon’s heavily-lampooned submarine. For some reason known only to Musk, he then called one of the rescuers, Vernon Unsworth, a “pedo” in a July 15th tweet and then later doubled down. Then, in early September, Musk told Ryan Mac at BuzzFeed News that he “hopes” Unsworth sues him. Shortly after that, he smoked a blunt with Joe Rogan during a live interview.

Well, smoke ’em if you got ’em, Elon, because Unsworth has finally gotten around to filing that defamation lawsuit. Reuters reports Unsworth, who lives north of London, has filed suits in the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles and the High Court of London for reputational damage. He’s seeking at least $75,000 in compensation, which honestly seems kind of low for being falsely accused of being a pedophile who married a nonexistent 12 year old in Thailand.

But this wasn’t the only Elon Musk news that broke on Monday. Musk also announced he’s sending eight people to the frikken moon. What a time to be alive.

And now for the jokes, because a long-gestating story like this calls for months of snark, lovingly collected for your amusement.

The jokes about Musk’s rescue submarine continued long after our first round-up of jokes in July:



But perhaps…


Later that month, on July 17th, Musk posted a not-quite-apology for calling Mr. Unsworth a “pedo guy”:

And that kicked off another slew of jokes:


More that a month later, on August 28th, Musk seemed intent on reminding us of the stabbing victim who said, “What are you going to do, stab me?”

Between that foreshadowing tweet and Musk’s correspondence with Buzzfeed, Unsworth had plenty of fodder for a lawsuit and other people had fodder for more jokes:




And then, on Monday, Musk announced his intent to send eight people to the moon, including billionaire Yusaku Maezawa:

The joking continued:


And let’s check in on Elon Musk via his Twitter account:

Yeah, he’ll probably be fine.