Taylor Bennett Addresses The Struggles Of Being An Indie Artist On ‘Streaming Services’

It certainly can’t be easy being a musician and being the younger sibling of one of the most popular artists in the country. Then again, It’s also just not easy being a musician. Taylor Bennett is familiar with both situations, and his latest release, “Streaming Services” is an ode to the latter struggle.

The four-minute jam is a reflection on the flashy, clout-coated veneer of being a popular independent musician and the lonely, often financially precarious existence that lies just underneath. In the song’s description on Soundcloud, Bennett writes, “I created ‘Streaming Services’ to educate the world on independent artist struggles to navigate through an industry built on their own creativity. Years later still having little to no understanding of how to distribute and collect funds from our own product.”

For most in the industry, the inequity that exists between the music world’s top earners (established stars, their labels, and the streaming outlets that distribute their music) and its lowest (newers acts and independent artists) is an open secret. And while many emerging artist seem content to play the game keep up the front, more and more artist are starting to address this dynamic directly in their work. Bennett is the latest to join the fold.

You can check the song out above.