‘Captain Marvel’ Is Getting A Hilariously Retro Official Website Right Out Of The ’90s


Blasting Elastica in one of the trailers aside, the many, many ads for and clips from Captain Marvel haven’t been leaning too hard into the film’s ’90s setting. That changes now. Marvel unveiled the upcoming movie’s official website, and, well, it is scarily accurate.

The Brie Larson-starrer, out on March 8, mostly takes place in 1995 — before smartphones, before the information superhighway destroyed the world, and before HTML was sophisticated. And so the site features such old-timey internet doodads as basic graphics, ugly photoshops, rainbow artwork, a guestbook, a visitor counter, and sparkly space-themed wallpaper.

Another fun, also accurate bit? The stunningly low-tech game. It’s not even on the level of one of those simple games you saw in Bandersnatch. It’s literally a series of images of actors/extras from the trailers’ subway scene, asking you to guess if they’re an evil, shape-shifting Skrull or a legit human. There’s no skill involved; you just have to, as they say, press your luck.

If you doubt the spot-on-ness of the site, try a side-by-side. We recommend comparing it to the mysteriously still-live official website for Space Jam, which doesn’t appear to have been touched since the film’s premiere in 1996. Check it quick, though, before someone involved with the forthcoming sequel realizes it’s still there.

(Via EW)