Tim Cook Is Low-Key Trolling Trump On Twitter After America’s President Called Him ‘Tim Apple’

Donald Trump can hardly go a day without embarrassing himself. On Wednesday, the president addressed Apple CEO Tim Cook as “Tim Apple.” The moment came during a meeting at the White House for the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board to discuss technology education and jobs.

“I used to say, Tim, you gotta start doing it over here and you really have, you’ve really put a big investment in the country,” Trump praised Cook, who he has been pressuring to bring manufacturing operations back to the United States for several years now.

And then, he stepped in it: “We really appreciate it very much, Tim Apple.”

Trump’s latest gaffe was naturally ridiculed as soon as Twitter caught wind of it, with “Tim Apple” trending like wildfire. For his part however, Cook chose not to comment. That is, until WIRED’s Alex Whitcomb caught a small change to Cook’s Twitter profile.

“Guys, @tim_cook changed his name to Tim  and it’s the most legendary ‘Tim Apple’ sub-tweet of all time,” Whitcomb tweeted, which quickly went viral. Indeed, that one, tiny, character made all the difference in the world:


Others began chiming in, as well:




The sad part of all this is that it will almost certainly be completely forgotten by next week, because we’re still living in the most exhausting timeline.