Nikki And Brie Bella Will Return To Smackdown This Week

The Bella Twins are coming back to WWE this Friday as guests on A Moment of Bliss. The WWE dot com announcement doesn’t reveal what Nikki and Brie are going to talk to Alexa Bliss about, but since the company has yet to officially announce that the Bellas are reportedly being inducted into the Hall of Fame, it’s probably to announce that they’re going to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

The twins don’t wrestle anymore, but Nikki and Brie are sure to remain involved with WWE at least through 2020. Aside from the likely HOF induction, they have the fifth season of Total Bellas coming up in April, could show up on the tenth season of Total Divas, and will be mentors for young girls along with several active wrestlers (and Stephanie McMahon) in WWE’s upcoming Quibi series, Fight Like A Girl.

Since the Bellas are both retired from wrestling and also currently pregnant, their appearance this week on A Moment of Bliss, unlike most WWE talk show segments, probably won’t end with between the guests and/or the host or with either of the sisters taking bumps. But maybe this will lead to Nikki and Brie sitting in on commentary for a Bliss Cross Applesauce vs. Fire and Desire tag match or something.