John Oliver Dragged Madison Cawthorn For His History Of Lies, Including His Latest Tall Tale About Coke And Orgies

After Madison Cawthorn admitted he lied about seeing his fellow Republican colleagues in Congress doing coke and inviting him to orgies, the North Carolina representative became the subject of a John Oliver rant as the Last Week Tonight host hauled Cawthorn’s repeated penchant for telling tall tales. But, first, Oliver had words to say about the now-infamous coke and orgies accusation, particularly Cawthorn’s odd choice of words.

“I’m pretty sure that people having coke-fueled orgies don’t call them ‘sexual get-togethers,'” Oliver quipped. “A ‘sexual get-together’ sounds like a sex-toy party at your friend Brenda’s friend Shanae’s house where you realize halfway through that the whole thing’s a pyramid scheme.”

Oliver then turned his attention to Cawthorn’s documented history of lies. Via Mediaite:

“He implied the car crash that left him partially paralyzed derailed his plans to attend the U.S. Naval Academy, even though his application had already been rejected before the crash,” Oliver said. “He frequently claimed to be training for the Paralympics, which was news to actual Paralympians like Amanda McGrory, who pointed out he’s not even in the official registry for Paralympians, which you would have to be in order to compete.”

After noting Cawthorn’s relationship with the truth is “unrelentingly bad,” Oliver also made sure to note that the young congressman was the subject of a “scathing public letter signed by more than 150 of his fellow college classmates alleging that he engaged in ‘sexually predatory behavior’ while in college.”

(Via Mediaite)