John Fetterman Poked Some Fun At Lauren Boebert For ‘Grabbing The Hog During A Live Musical’

The near-HJ at the BJ musical is the talk of the town, except on Fox News. “Lauren Boebert has not been mentioned since last Thursday on Fox News or Fox Business,” journalist Aaron Rupar tweeted yesterday. Meanwhile, if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did the same thing, it’s literally the only thing Tomi Lahren would talk about for a month. Maybe two. So what Fox News has been covering instead of a congresswoman getting handsy with her date while vaping in front of a pregnant woman in public? John Fetterman’s clothes.

“DRESS TO IMPRESS?: People are furious after the Senate dropped its dress code requirement — and they’re saying there is only one lawmaker to blame,” the Fox News account wrote on X, along with a photo of the Pennsylvania senator. The linked article reads, “Conservatives responded on X criticizing Fetterman, who has routinely worn gym shorts and hoodies in the building and found a workaround to the legislative body’s dress code rules by voting from the doorway of the Democrat cloakroom or the side entrance, making sure his vote is recorded before ducking out.” Here’s how Fetterman replied:

I thought “Grabbing the Hog” was from Wicked, not Beetlejuice. My mistake. Fetterman also shared a Simpsons reference on his personal account:

He’s very good at this.