Lauren Boebert Allegedly Refused To Stop Vaping In Front Of A Pregnant Woman Before Getting Kicked Out Of ‘Beetlejuice’

Lauren Boebert once heckled Joe Biden while he was talking about his dead son Beau. Perhaps it wasn’t all too surprising when she was kicked out of a regional production of Beetlejuice for unruly behavior. Since the news broke Tuesday, more details have emerged of her antics, including video of her and her guest being booted. Now the woman who had the misfortune of sitting behind her is spilling some further unpleasant tea.

As per The Daily Beast, the unhappy theatergoer opened up to The Denver Post about her experiences having the musical take on Tim Burton’s beloved sophomore feature ruined by the MAGA lawmaker. “I’ve never seen anyone act like that before,” she said. For one thing, she spent the show singing along “loudly with her hands in the air.”

Boebert has claimed that she didn’t do one of the more outrageous things of she’s accused: vaping. Not so, said the woman. Indeed, she kept asking Boebert to stop because she’s pregnant. But all Boebert would do was say “no.”

The woman confirmed that Boebert kept taking video of the show for long stretches at a time. She also spent some time “kissing the man she was with,” who turned out to be a Democrat and bar guy who hosts drag shows.

It got so bad that during intermission the woman asked an usher if she could switch seats, only to be told, “You’re not the first complaint [we’ve] had.” When Boebert returned for Act II, she called the woman a “sad and miserable person.”

Reports claim Boebert then started acting back up again, only to be be quickly escorted out of the theater. Sounds bad, but at least the woman didn’t have to see the new Back to the Future musical with Marjorie Taylor Greene.

(Via Denver Post and The Daily Beast)