Bubba Watson Is Sinking Putts On Airplanes So You’ll Put Him On SportsCenter

I feel like Bubba Watson has no idea how to spend his free time.

You never hear about Bubba eating some breakfast and playing video games. He’s always out buying The General Lee or forming a golf boy band or converting his golf cart into a hovercraft. Ridiculous stuff that nobody does.

To further explain my point, here’s a video of Bubba Watson sinking a putt on an airplane, bookended by him desperately begging SportsCenter to put him in their Top 10. He even does the SportsCenter song. BUBBA AREN’T THERE SOME BOOKS YOU COULD BE READING OR SOME PUSH-UPS YOU COULD BE DOING OR SOMETHING.

Here’s the aftermath of the shot, when Bubba fell out of the airplane.

h/t to Bob’s