It’s hard to take a reality TV star whose name sounds like a brand of salsa seriously, but that’s exactly what people are doing with comments made by The Bachelor‘s Juan Pablo Galavis to the TV Page.
The former Venezuelan soccer star said Friday night that he would be 100 percent opposed to having a cycle of the reality dating show feature an openly gay or bisexual bachelor.
“I don’t think it is a good example for kids to watch that on TV,” he told me.
“Obviously people have their husband and wife and kids and that is how we are brought up. Now there is fathers having kids and all that, and it is hard for me to understand that too in the sense of a household having peoples…Two parents sleeping in the same bed and the kid going into bed…It is confusing in a sense. But I respect them because they want to have kids. They want to be parents. So it is a scale…Where do you put it on the scale? Where is the thin line to cross or not? You have to respect everybody’s desires and way of living. But it would be too hard for TV.” (Via)
TV Guide added:
Galavis continued his homophobic remarks, accusing gay people of being “more pervert in a sense.” He attempted to soften the blow by explaining that he has many gay friends. (Via)
Juan Pablo Galavis TOTALLY respects gay people — he just doesn’t want to see them on TV. That makes sense. I mean, if kids grew up watching people they didn’t respect on TV, they’d grow up into future reality TV hacks.