The Paranoid Belieber Death Cult Has Already Started The ‘Free Justin Bieber’ Movement

It took all of 0.00000009 seconds after news broke that Justin Bieber was arrested for the first “FREE JUSTIN BIEBER” to show up on Twitter. It would soon be followed by messages of “pics or it didn’t happen,” “it’s everyone but Justin’s fault,” and “that bitch selena tho,” because fandom is a terrifying thing. All the teenagers, predominantly female, who incessantly tweet “FOLLOW ME JUSTIN BB,” praying for their idol’s momentary attention, were now caught having to defend someone who “blocked traffic at Pine Tree Drive and 26th Street to create a drag racing strip.”

Being a teenager is terrible. Being a teenager in love with Justin Bieber is the worst.

And the single saddest Twitter exchange ever:

UPDATE #1: Justin Bieber’s DUI Arrest Mugshot And Police Report

UPDATE #2: Meet The NFL Player-Dating Model Who Was With Justin Bieber When He Was Arrested

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