A Collection Of Everything Bob Costas’ Infected Eyes Reminds The Internet Of

You’ve done it now, Sochi: you’ve taken down Costas. Earlier this morning, NBC announced that Patient Zero, a.k.a. Bob Costas, will be replaced by Matt Lauer for Tuesday’s coverage of the Olympic Games. Costas told the weasel-like Today Show host, “Reluctantly, I was trying to throw a complete game here, but I think we’re going to have to go to the bullpen, and I don’t know if you’re aware of this or not, but you’re Mariano Rivera, at least tonight.” The only thing more gross than Costas’ eye right now is that metaphor.

Less gross: these images of what the Internet thinks of when it looks into the Eye of Sauron, er, Costas.

1. Gay Pirate, Mad-Eye Moody Pirate, etc.

2. Kano from Mortal Kombat

3. Smilex Victim from Batman

4. Terror Dog

5. Bob Costas’ Pink Eye is BULLSH*T

6. The Terminator


8. Bloodhounds

9. Voldemort.

10. “A picture of Bob Costas tomorrow”

11. Bob Cylon

12. Eye of Sauron