Guess Which Sledgehammer-Swinging Lawyer From A Viral Super Bowl Commercial Has A Reality Show Now

Hey, why don’t we check in with Jamie Casino, the vengeance-seeking, sledgehammer-swinging, Hell-summoning lawyer from that insane two-minute Super Bowl commerci-… aaaaaaaaaaand he has reality show now.

Georgia-based personal injury lawyer Jamie Casino has been one of the most pursued pieces of TV talent since becoming an overnight celebrity with his epic two-minute Super Bowl commercial that featured him wielding his sledgehammer of justice. In a very competitive situation, with more than 40 companies pursuing the viral star attorney for unscripted and scripted projects, Warner Horizon Television has signed Casino for Casino’s Law, a primetime unscripted series to star the lawyer. [Deadline]

Wanna hear the best part? After mentioning the intense bidding war, the fact that the show will be produced by one of the executive producers of The Bachelor, and the fact that it already has a title, the Deadline write-up just, like, casually mentions that “[t]here is no concept for the series yet.” It’s like the old Hollywood saying goes, “Lock up the kooky guy with the giant hammer from the Super Bowl commercial first, sort out the details later.”

But anyway, yeah, of course he has a reality show now. Obviously. I’m just sad it will probably rob us of a full-length, two-hour, made-for-TV version of his commercial — Titled Busted By A Casino! Starring Dean Cain! Now with more hammers and fire! — that we all need and deserve. It could have been beautiful.

Source: Deadline