The ‘Yes Movement’ Has Come To San Francisco Giants Home Run Celebrations

In case you missed it, pro wrestler Daniel Bryan started saying “yes” and pointing his fingers in the air, and it got so popular that he became WWE World Heavyweight Champion, married a model and infiltrated the mainstream sports world. Yes chants (or the ‘Yes Movement’) became a celebration for the Michigan State Spartans and an inspiration to the Seattle Seahawks, and now the San Francisco Giants are doing it to celebrate home runs.

Here’s a clip of Hunter Pence YESsing his way into the dugout. I’m glad the Yes Movement might outlast Bryan’s title reign, which is … kind of a depressing thing to mention in a post about celebration. Long story short, let’s hope Pence’s homer doesn’t lead to him being out for months with neck surgery and forfeiting the runs to Atlanta.

[mlbvideo id=”32867549″ width=”650″ height=”400″ /]

Up next: Cleveland Indians fans doing “no” chants for literally anything that happens on the field.