Man Buys ‘Penis Enlargement Device’, Receives Magnifying Glass

It sounds like a gag gift sold at a roadside souvenir shop from the ’70s, yet it’s a faux-medical scam being done to less savvy online shoppers who are too embarrassed to file a police report. Well, most men would be too embarrassed, but not all men. At least one guy marched down to a Public Service and Complaint Bureau and reported that he bought a “Penis Enlargement Device” online and received a magnifying glass along with an instruction sheet touting only one rule: “Do not use in sunlight.

We see what you did there.

This example of truth in advertising comes from Malaysia, where a man identified only as “Ong” paid 450 Ringgit ($140) for the wondrous tool of enlargement. He’s unlikely to get his money back, considering the seller’s identity is unknown and the item purchased is, technically speaking, what was advertised.

Via The Star via Nerdcore