The Trailer For Tommy Wiseau’s New Sitcom Is Like An Acid Trip Orgy Gone Horribly Wrong

Tommy Wiseau has a brand new trailer out for his The Neighbors sitcom project, which he’s been working on for the past five years or so. According to the YouTube description, “Ricky Rick is throwing a T.W. underwear party in his friend Troy’s apartment.” I assume Tommy Wiseau is supposed to be the “Ricky Rick” character, despite the fact that he and the woman who comes to his apartment door (numbered 420, subtly duly noted) are displaying underwear with Wiseau’s name on it and the young lady in question name drops his website. I guess that’s supposed to be meta?

Anyway, here’s the plot description from The Neighbors website, which was a static image and I’m not retyping this crap:

OK, I lied, I will type some of it out only to highlight these two back to back sentences:

The character of Princess Penelope creates a commotion after she witnesses the ghost of her uncle Prince Charles. It is a fresh and humorous look at human behavior through different points of view.

I have a feeling this “sitcom” is going to make The Room look like Scorsese in comparison. If you’re wondering when and where you can catch this masterpiece, it’s apparently coming out in September on “Comedy TV.” I googled Comedy TV and it redirects to some bullcrappy entertainment website, so your guess is as good as mine.

Here’s the original 2009 trainer for The Neighbors, to refresh your memory:

(Via Splitsider)