Doctor Who Gets a New Companion, Amy Pond Fans Recreate 'Mad Men' Posters

If you’re a “Doctor Who” fan, first of all, congratulations and thank for admitting so on Warming Glow. I got your back. When Danger pushes you into a locker, at least you’ll have company. The thing about “Doctor Who” fans, though, is that we hate change. That’s difficult in a show where change is frequent. We’re on our 11th iteration of the Doctor, after all, and two seasons in, many of us are still smarting about the loss of David Tennant. We typically don’t truly appreciate “Doctor Who” cast members until we lose them, and then we b*tch and complain about the new cast members until they are replaced.

Karen Gillan, besides being the hottest “Doctor Who” companion in the history of the show, has also been subject to a lot of complaints: Her character hasn’t exactly evolved the way we’d have like to see her evolve, and over the course of the last two seasons, most of us have actually become more attached to her husband, Rory. Now, however, we have to deal with the impending departure of both Karen Gillan’s Amy Pond and Rory. According to Steven Moffat, they will leave in the fifth episode of the next season, and he’s strongly suggested that one or both will die.

That’s gonna sting, and despite the many complaints we’ve lodged at Amy Pond, it only takes one glance at the new companion to realize how much we’ll probably miss Amy Pond. Ugh. I already hate the new companion, but that’s par for the course for “Doctor Who” characters. Her name is Jenna Louise Coleman. She’s the one on the left in the image above. She also looks like this:

That’s a far cry from this:

But we will adjust. “Doctor Who” fans always do. And we’ll probably call for her resignation right up until the day it’s announced that a new companion has been hired. What do we know about this new companion? Nothing, really. Showrunner Steven Moffat is keeping mum.

The writer refused to even reveal the name of Coleman’s character in the show. “Who she’s playing, how the Doctor meets her, and even where he finds her are all part of one of the biggest mysteries the Time Lord ever encounters,” Moffat said. “Even by the Doctor’s standards, this isn’t your usual boy meets girl.”

What does that mean? Alien companion? That, I could get behind. But before we move on, let’s take one last look at what we took for granted these last two seasons.

Sweet mercy, that’s going to be a painful loss.