‘Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.’ Declassifies Some Deleted Scenes And Behind The Scenes Clips

Before we do anything, here’s the behind-the-scenes clip of Chloe Bennett jumping into a pool, since we read comments sections and apparently all you guys want out of this show is Chloe Bennett jumping into a pool. You’re welcome. Now, here are some more clips from Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D..

First, there’s this, a truly adorable behind-the-scenes bit with Jamie Alexander and Clark Gregg that proves they’re both just as awesome as you think they are. It’s tied to the Asgard episode last season, and explains how they put together the massive biker fight where Sif beats up everybody in leather.

There’s also a brief deleted scene that mostly implies that Ward was going to shoot Skye, and we’re not even gracing that one with a post. Simmons annoying May, though? That’s gold!

We’ve GIFed that for you. You’re welcome. And, what the hell, while we’re here, here’s the blooper reel. Hey, at least the first half of last season was fun to make.