The 2011 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Models Competed For Our Hearts

Let’s face it – this has been a pretty sh*tty week for sports. I went to a bar last night to watch the Raiders-Chargers game and every conversation around me was Penn State this and Joe Paterno that. I even met San Diego Padres pitcher Luke Gregerson and we talked about how much I hated that the St. Louis Cardinals traded him for Khalil Greene, but after a minute or two everything was back to Penn State.

Hell, I tried to change the subject to Wilson Ramos, the Washington Nationals catcher who was kidnapped from his own home in Venezuela. On any other day that’s a huge, world-stopping story. But not with this Penn State stuff going down. And it’s depressing as all hell. So I thought we could all use a little pick-me-up today.

The other night, Victoria’s Secret Angels did their thing for their annual fashion show at the Lexington Avenue Armory in New York City. The event featured performances from Adam Levine, Kanye West, and Nicki Minaj, who constantly looks like she’s taking a dump, but we don’t care about any of that. Not even that Leonardo DiCaprio was in attendance, apparently shopping for his latest treat. Nope, we deserve to be cheered up, so I’ll let the models take it from here.