Let’s Talk About Tonight’s Geeky TV: ‘Arrow’ Fights ‘The Magician’


Tonight continues the run of comic book shows, with Arrow trying to rehab its most disliked character. We’ll be liveblogging that, and have a look at some of the other shows that might pique a geek’s interest.


Arrow, The CW: Laurel, after getting her ass kicked last episode, trains to not have that happen again. Also, Sara’s insane ex, Nyssa Al Ghul, shows up and wants Malcolm Merlyn dead. Not that we’re disagreeing, but that seems counterproductive.

Alien Mummies, Science Channel: Good troll game, there, Science Channel.

Crazy Monster Frogs, Smithsonian Channel: Here’s an educational documentary all about how frogs basically have superpowers. Man, good thing they don’t eat people. Well, yet.

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, FXM: The Marvel movie so nice, they’re running it twice. Seriously, it’s also on at 10, if you can’t get enough Nic Cage.


The 100, The CW: The sexy teenagers stuck on Earth last season are now safely back on their space station. Of course, there’s a conspiracy involved. There always is.

Addams Family Values, ABC Family: The movie that summed up the relationships of so, so many people in high school:


American Horror Story, FX: Who will die while having sex thanks to a clown tonight? Tune in and find out!

Just a reminder, I’ll be checking in and liveblogging Arrow, so come say hi! Bring your most terrifying clown GIFs!