‘Escape From New York’ Is Officially Getting A Remake Over At Fox

With the Mad Max: Fury Road trailer blowing people away and Hollywood’s infatuation with remakes still in full bloom, the resurgence of classic franchises is continuing at full speed. The latest is Escape From New York, a series that was rumored to be getting an entire reboot trilogy last year and is now officially heading back to theaters over at Fox. From Deadline:

Fox has emerged from competitive bidding and closed a deal to remake the 1981 John Carptenter-directed cult classic Escape From New York. Andrew Rona and Alex Heineman’s The Picture Company will produce.

So what about those earlier reports that Joel Silver and StudioCanal were out to create a brand new trilogy for the John Carpenter creation? Turns out they weren’t as official as they once seemed:

While there was a spate of rumors earlier this fall that the film was about to be cast with the likes of Sons Of Anarchy star Charlie Hunnam, I’m told those rumors amounted to wishful thinking by fans, because there was no rights deal made until now, and there is no script. They are starting from scratch. That said, the notion of Hunnam playing the Snake, or Chris Hemsworth who was another one rumored, seems like pretty inspired ideas from here.

Who knew that rabid speculation and fan theorizing could create such a solid rumor? I would never partake in such shenanigans. I am well above any sort of baseless theorizing to rile up fans and spectators.

I can only say that the spectacle of the Mad Max trailer has given me hope that not all classic remakes will be sh*tty. I’ll wait till I see it to give it a proper judgment and I have plenty of time to speculate about Escape From New York’s remake after that. Not that I’d ever do that.

(Via Deadline / Variety)