Steven Yeun From ‘The Walking Dead’ Is Tired Of People Saying All Asians Look Alike

As the description for this video says, The Walking Dead’s Steven Yeun is a Redditor on mission. He’s out to dismiss the notion that all Asians look alike, while also trying to instill another that points out that we all look alike in some way. Andy points out that it’s a mixed message, but that doesn’t matter. It makes for nice late night fodder and Conan is game for that.

Yeun brings some examples of what he means to show to the audience, presenting a black Matt Damon he found on Reddit:

And then an Asian Brad Pitt, adding that if all Asians do look alike, then Brad Pitt is now one of them:

It’s all pretty funny, but I was too busy laughing at the guy who gets confused for Steve Yeun at the mall. It could be worse, though. The lowest point would definitely be when someone confuses you for a corpse in makeup. Pretty sure I’d just leave the show.

(Via Team Coco)