Shaq Talks Back

For those of you currently residing under a rock, there’s a lockout taking place in the NBA. According to Ken Berger from CBS Sports, the owners could possibly make a formal proposal to the players on Tuesday, September 13th. This would be the first proposal since June 30th and has the potential to make significant improvement in the current labor talks. Oh how lovely – a proposal. Well guess what, WE’RE NOT SATISFIED! In fact, were dying over here – sick to our stomachs. We’re tired of nba-players-going-overseas news. We’re disgusted that the most interesting news regarding any NBA player in-who-knows-how-long involves a Kardashian and a wedding. We’re appalled that players are now resorting to dance competitions. That’s right – dance competitions. What’s next – Delonte West applying to Home Depot? Oh wait … Great series finale last night from Entourage. It filled in some loose ends, and set up hype for a full-length film. Overall, this season kind of sucked and not in a “This show isn’t new and I know what to expect” type of way that makes everyone hate on the show for no reason. It just wasn’t all that good. What was your favorite Entourage season ever? … According to Yahoo! Sports’ Adam Weintraub, a “task force”, assembled by Sacramento Mayor and former NBA player Kevin Johnson, has recommended a new $400 million plan to build a downtown arena in Sacramento, an action that will help tremendously in keeping the Kings in Sacramento. The NBA has given the franchise until March to come up with a new “arena financing plan” or they will consider allowing the Kings to look into relocation. You gotta feel bad for the fans in Sac-town. They don’t deserve this. Two brothers having trouble running a franchise and now what, the fans are punished? That’s absurd. We’re just keeping our fingers crossed that something can be done. The Kings need Sacramento and Sacramento needs them … In a recent interview with John Reid of the Times-Picayune, Shaq dished on Phil Jackson, what happened to LeBron in the Finals, and his pursuit of a doctorate degree: “Phil was a man’s man. He was always the same. He did the same thing every day. Worked on that triangle every day. And he made us believe every day. He always told me what he wanted from me before a game – 29 points and 15 rebounds, and I’ll do it. He told me once that he wanted me to get MVP this year and that they’re coming to me every time. It also was a test. He was testing me out. The interesting thing about Phil is when me and Kobe had those squabbles, he never said anything. He knew it motivated both of us. When you look at what we did, it will never be done again. But Kobe and I never really had any problems in practice. He would say something to one of the reporters, and I would say something to one of the reporters. But Phil never got involved with that. I think it was part of his plan.” Shaq on LeBron: “I don’t think pressure got to him. Surely he took a lot of shots, but he’s not solely in charge there. He’s a great player, but in the Finals, it’s damn if he do and damn if he don’t. LeBron has always been a team-player-first guy. In the Finals, I think he was trying to get everybody else involved rather than take over the game. Somebody from upstairs is going to have to say there has to be a one, CEO No. 1, and a vice president between the two of them (Wade). A lot of people are trying to compare them to Scottie Pippen and Jordan. That isn’t Scottie and Mike. It’s more like Mike and Dominique Wilkins.” On his doctorate degree: “I’ve been doing it for the last three years at Barry University in Miami, and hopefully I will graduate in December and become Dr. O’Neal. I’m working on my dissertation now.” If you had to take your pick right now between O’Neal and Barkley, which one are you predicting will be more entertaining? O’Neal will need to be on his A-game to stay with Charles, but either way, he’ll be an asset. Shaq is so inscribed in the history of the past 20 years in the NBA that it should add so much to the show. Just listening to him compare D-Wade, LeBron and Kobe is awesome. He’s seen it all and done it all … We’re out like Entourage.

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