Weird Al Videobombed Gwen Stefani On The Grammys Red Carpet In The Most Fantastic Way

Yeah, I know the Grammy Awards were three whole days ago. Yeah, I know that in internet time, three days is like three centuries. But care I do not and neither will you after you watch this clip. Before Sunday night’s ceremony, Gwen Stefani was being interviewed on the red carpet yapping on about The Voice this and being blessed that, when — shortly before the two minute mark — WEIRD AL HAPPENED.

That, my friends, is just another reason why Weird Al is UPROXX’s Person of the Year. I also love how when Gwen Stefani finally notices, she’s like, “My older brother is such a fan of yours!” I’ve never heard a statement that more succinctly sums up Weird Al Yankovic’s core fan base.