Last year, we went pretty gaga over a photo of a life-sized Groot swing that Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn shared on his Instagram page, before it was mysteriously taken it down. It turned out that the swing set in question was created by specialty prop maker and makeup and FX artist Tim Baker for Break’s web series, Super-Fan Builds. The point of this wonderful series is that friends of “Super-Fans” submit videos nominating them for Baker and his crew to make their dreams come true with awesome new props for their homes. Michael Coleman was the Guardians of the Galaxy Super-Fan nominated by his wife, and he and his son now get to enjoy that awesome swing for the rest of eternity.
The latest Super-Fan is Steve Minty, a big fan of the animated classic Up, who has been creating his own fan art since falling in love with the film. Steve’s friend Esteban nominated him with the hope that Tim and his crew could make something for Steve and his dog, Dug, so he received the coolest and most appropriate dog house that has ever been created. It’s still no Batmobile stroller, but this Up house is pretty magnificent.