Watch All Of The Excellent Fake Commercials From Last Night’s ‘Parks And Rec’

If you watched last night’s back-to-back airing of Parks and Recreation, you not only got to see a long-wished-for cameo and the ultimate Johnny Karate-filled fanservice episode, but you also saw a collection of fake commercials that bring home what it would be like to be a regular TV viewer in a near-future version of Pawnee, Indiana.

If you didn’t watch and you’re saving all of that joy for later, then why not cheat a little and watch just the fake commercials right now? C’mon, you can’t resist Paunch Burger and a giant coin spewing wolf head, can you?

Verizon Chipotle Exxon

Right away, let me confess that I was only half paying attention when this commercial aired and I didn’t even realize that it was a fake ad until about four minutes ago. That’s either evidence that this mix of stock video clips and a confident voice actor comes dangerously close to feeling like a real ad, or that I am a moron. You’ll let me know in the comment section.

Very Good Building Company 

Ron Swanson is not a beggar.

Wamapoke Casino 

I want to go to there. Coinsy the Wolf has the stuff to be an instalegend.

Paunch Burger

Like Verizon Chipotle Exxon, this one feels like it could be very real. It also feels like something out of Idiocracy, which is the highest compliment that I can give something. It’s like the official un-official knighthood of compliments.
