‘Kingsman’ Star Taron Egerton Rumored For Young Han Solo In ‘Star Wars’ Spin-Off

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens in post-production, everyone wants to know who will be cast in the Star Wars spin-off films that will take audiences outside of the Skywalker family line and into the expanded universe of the series. One of the most intriguing is an alleged story about a young Han Solo, and the latest rumors suggest Disney has its eyes on a specific actor.

According to the rumor, Disney wants Kingsman star Taron Egerton for the role of young Han Solo. If that’s the case, it adds to a growing mountain of rumors about the spin-off, which includes Josh Trank possibly directing for a 2018 release:

The film will reportedly reveal how Harrison Ford’s iconic character got the Millennium Falcon as well as showing how he fell out with Jabba the Hutt, according to The Sun. (Via The Daily Mail)

Egerton isn’t officially lined up for any other major films beyond a possible Kingsman sequel. So as far as rumors go, this one falls within the realm of possibility. We won’t know anything until Disney confirms, denies, or even comments on the matter.

Source: The Sun via The Daily Mail