March Morbidity Fatal Four: What Is The Greatest Movie Death Scene Ever?

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Ding dong, the No. 1 seeds are all dead. We head into the weekend with two Fatal Four matchups that feature some very awesome action(ish) movie death scenes that overcame unbelievable odds to upset not only huge blockbusters from the 80s, 90s, 00s and 10s, but also some of the biggest names in cinematic violence. But that’s the beauty of faux-March Madness tournaments like this – the people get to vote with their Mountain Dew-fueled hearts, and real genius always triumphs.

The 15-seed Deep Blue Sea continues to be the meanest and hungriest Cinderella in the history of this tournament (that started last week, but still), but it will now face an all-time great scene that features melting Nazis. Do the people love seeing Samuel L. Jackson eaten by a shark while Thomas Jane gives his best, “Who farted?” face? Or do they like seeing Nazis melt? In the other matchup, Tim Messenger’s horrific death in Hot Fuzz is now the top-seeded team in the Fatal Four, but can it hold off Lena Headey’s drug-fueled slow motion drop in Dredd?

Let’s find out. Voting will run until Sunday, with the Championship going live on Monday. Vote with your cyborg operating systems, you monsters who were once humans.