This Washington DC Nike Store Display Doesn’t Make Much Sense

Mike Wilbon’s arch nemesis Dan Steinberg posted a series of pictures from the new Nike store in Washington DC yesterday, including the one that you’re looking at above. Apparently (and naturally) the store is a massive tribute to all that is DC sports culture, but none of that matters right now, because of that picture up there. What the hell is going on in that picture? That’s Ray Rice trying to tackle Brian Orakpo. WHY???

Of course, it shouldn’t surprise us that this conversation is already alive and well at Reddit, so I will let them ask and answer the big question. First, the thread’s creator and Washington Redskins fan “RamsesToo” states our frustration:

Display at the new Nike Store in D.C. Ray Rice is trying to tackle Brian Orakpo because logic.

Then, Seattle Seahawks fan “guardpost” counters:

Orakpo is running with one of Flacco’s turnovers and Ray Rice is trying to make the tackle. I feel like that’s not much of a logical stretch.

That’s a good point. HOWEVER, there’s one problem with that idea and “RamsesToo” is on top of it…

I get that, and I love Rak as a pass rusher, but he’s recovered a turnover exactly once in his career. In the end, it’s about marketing, and I feel like it would have worked better if, I don’t know, Washington had a very popular, elusive, offensive playmaker, and Baltimore had maybe a whole rack of defensive studs, any of whom could be giving chase. This strikes me as counterintuitive, is all.

And while I suggest reading the rest of that thread for some great Rex Grossman humor, I’m 100% on the Skins fan’s side here, because I just don’t understand why a store that celebrates both the Redskins and Baltimore Ravens would make something so ass-backwards. Obviously, I don’t expect to see Robert Griffin III in that store, because he’s an Adidas dude, but is it too hard to simply make it look like Orakpo is about to tackle Rice?

Unless… this was done on purpose to confuse us and make us buy more Nike gear…