A ‘Cosby Show’ Alum Will Drive O.J. Simpson Around In ‘American Crime Story’

malcom jamal warner american crime story
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More and more talent is being added to Ryan Murphy’s new true-to-life crime anthology series for television, American Crime Story. Cuba Gooding Jr. will play O.J. Simpson in the show’s first season, along with David Schwimmer and John Travolta in supporting roles. But they’ll need someone to go all Driving Miss Daisy on this joint to help get everybody from point A to point B, right?

Enter Malcolm-Jamal Warner of Cosby Show fame. According to Variety, he’s set to play the man made famous for driving Simpson around in one of the most anti-climactic police chases ever televised:

Warner will play A.C. Cowlings, the former pro football player and protective friend of O.J. Simpson, most known for his role in the murder trial as the driver of the white Ford Bronco in the infamous televised police chase.

As Variety points out, this isn’t Warner’s first rodeo with Murphy, as he popped up often in American Horror Story: Freak Show this past season. That’s great, since his new role takes from from the literal circus to the media one that surrounded the O.J. Simpson trial.

For reference, I suggest viewing the Bronco chase in its entirety on YouTube. It’s a great, slow-burning, and less-than-thrilling event that’s perfect for high-stakes drama.

(Via Variety)