Mariah Carey Is Still Complaining About Her Time On ‘American Idol’

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Mariah Carey’s time on American Idol did not go as well for her as her time as a cooking show host did. She spent only one season on the soon-to-be-ending reality competition stalwart, but it was a miserable experience for her, and she has not been shy about voicing this fact, once comparing the experience to hell. Recently, she was on an Australian radio station to promote her new greatest hits album #1 to Infinity, and had some more criticism to fling American Idol’s way.

Of her well-known behind-the-scenes feud with fellow judge Nicki Minaj, Carey said, “I don’t think they had any intentions of us having a good experience through that show. Pitting two females against each other wasn’t cool. It should have been about the contestants instead of about some non-existent feud that turned into even more ridiculousness and I would never want to be involved in it again, but everyone else can like it.”

As if that weren’t enough, she called Idol the worst experience of her life (really? worse than this?), she referred to the show as “so boring and so fake.” That latter part is what’s going to get most people’s attention, more than likely, and Carey went on to elaborate. She indicated that judges were asked to make things up to say about contestants in order to stir up interest. “Half the time the performances are good, you just be like ‘it was good’ and you feel like ending it there: ‘You were really good.’”

Anybody who is familiar with reality television probably is not surprised to hear this, presuming it’s true. These shows are in the business of making entertaining television, and somebody saying, “It was good” isn’t going to cut it.

And for more Mariah…

(Via The Daily Mail)