Amy Schumer Is ‘Sickened By The Cowardice’ Of Senators Who Won’t Act On Gun Control

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Amy Schumer tore into legislators who failed to pass any of the four gun control amendments that came before the U.S. Senate in the wake of the Orlando nightclub shooting that left 49 people dead. She also hinted that the public will make their thoughts known at the polls this fall, and perhaps some of the NRA-sponsored senators may be looking for jobs soon.

“I am sickened by the cowardice of these people who are supposed to lead us,” Schumer said in an interview with Politico. “Their dedication seems to be only to dollar signs for their own pockets. In November, we will remember who stood with the gun lobby, rather than their constituents, as we mourned for Orlando.”

Schumer is no stranger to lobbying for gun control. She began pushing for restrictions on weapons following a shooting at a screening of her movie Trainwreck in Lafayette, La. After that incident, Schumer teamed up with her second cousin, New York Senator Chuck Schumer, with a plan to make it harder for violent criminals and mentally ill to purchase weaponry.

Schumer also addressed the issue on an episode of her sketch show Inside Amy Schumer, and after Schumer’s most recent statement, they released a dark sketch lampooning lawyer television ads and the seeming impossibility of fighting back against the gun lobby.

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Schumer is just the latest in a long line of celebrities calling out legislators for their inaction on America’s gun problem. Her voice joins many citizens who are looking for meaningful gun control measures following our latest high-profile mass shooting.

(Via Politico)